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3 dimensional interaction
3D interaction with virtual environments using body and mind
Acquisition, representation and transformations for image synthesis
Active objects, semantics, Internet and security
Adapter le raisonnement pire cas à différentes criticités
Adaptive Distributed Applications and Middleware
Advanced 3D Numerical Modeling in Geophysics
Advanced analysis to code optimization
Advanced Image Understanding and Autonomous Systems
Advanced Learning Evolutionary Algorithms
Advanced Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Algebra for Digital Identification and Estimation
Algebraic Formal Systems for Industry and Research
Algebraic Systems, Geometry and Applications
AlgebRe, geOmetrie, Modelisation et AlgoriTHmes
ALGorithmes et Optimisation pour Réseaux Autonomes
Algorithmic number theory for cryptology
Algorithmics for computationally intensive applications over wide scale distributed platforms
Algorithms and high performance computing for grand challenge applications
Algorithms and Models for Integrative Biology
Algorithms and Models for Integrative BIOlogy
Algorithms and parallel tools for integrated numerical simulations
Algorithms and Scheduling for Distributed Heterogeneous Platforms
Algorithms and Software Architectures for Distributed and HPC Platforms
Algorithms, Biology, Structure
Algorithms for large scale sequence analysis
Algorithms for Modeling and Simulating Nanosystems [2018-...]
Algorithms for Modeling and Simulation of Nanosystems
Algorithms for the Grid
Algorithms, models and methods for images and signals of the human brain = Algorithmes, modèles et méthodes pour les images et les signaux du cerveau humain [ICM Paris]
Algorithms, simulation, combinatorics and optimization for telecommunications
Ambient computing and embedded systems
Ambient Middleware Architectures: Service-Oriented, Networked, Efficient and Secured
Amdahl's Law is Forever
An algorithmic view on genomes, cells, and environments
Analyse cryptographique et arithmétique
Analyse d’interactions stochastiques intelligentes et coopératives
Analyse et traitement de données complexes à grande échelle
Analyse fonctionnelle pour la conception et l'analyse de systèmes
Analyse, ingénierie et contrôle des micro-organismes
Analyse Linguistique Profonde à Grande Echelle ; Large-scale deep linguistic processing
Analyses and Languages Constructs for Object-Oriented Application Evolution
Analyse sémantique et compilation pour la sécurité des environnements d'exécution
Analyse Statique par Interprétation Abstraite
Analyse symbolique et conception orientée composants pour des systèmes embarqués temps-réel modulaires
Analysis and Control of Unsteady Models for Engineering Sciences
Analysis and modeling of neural systems by a system neuroscience approach
Analysis and Problems of Inverse type in Control and Signal processing
Analysis and Simulation of Biomedical Images
Analysis and Transformation based on rEliAble tool coMpositionS
Analysis and Visualization
Analysis of irregular Processes, Images and Signal,applications in biology and medicine
Analysis, perception and recognition of speech
Analysis representation, compression and communication of visual data
Analysis-Synthesis Approach for Virtual Human Simulation
Applications of interacting particle systems to statistics
Applied Cryptography and Implementation Security
Apprentissage automatique pour des méthodes numériques optimisées
Apprentissage de modèles à partir de données massives
Apprentissage, graphes et optimisation distribuée
Apprentissage machine et développement cognitif
Approches expérimentales et numériques pour explorer le cerveau des insectes
Architectures, Languages and Compilers to Harness the End of Moore Years
Architectures matérielles spécialisées pour l’ère post loi-de-Moore
Architectures of networks of services
Arithmetic and Computing
Artificial Evolution and Computational Biology
Artificial movement and gait restoration
Aspect and composition languages
Aspect and Composition Languages
As Scalable As Possible: foundations of large scale dynamic distributed systems
Augmentation visuelle d'environnements complexes
Augmenting human comfort in the factory using cobots
Authoring and directing story worlds
Automatic Language Modelling and ANAlysis & Computational Humanities
Automatic mesh generation and advanced methods
Automatic Programming and Decisional Systems in Robotics
Automatisation et ReprésenTation: fOndation du calcUl et de la déducTion
Autonomic Advanced & Applied Architectures for wiREless networks & Systems
Autonomous intelligent machine
Beyond Moore
Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis
Biological control of artificial ecosystems
Biologically plausible Integrative mOdels of the Visual system : towards synergIstic Solutions for visually-Impaired people and artificial visiON
Biological systems and models, bioinformatics and sequences
Biology, genetics and statistics
Biped Robot
Calcul formel, mathématiques expérimentales et interactions
Capture and Analysis of Shapes in Motion
CASH - Compilation and Analysis, Software and Hardware
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts
Collaborative interactive virtual environment
Combination of approaches to the security of infinite states systems
Combinatorics, Optimization and Algorithms for Telecommunications
Communications et Traitement Quantiques de l’Information
Compilation and embedded computing systems
Compilation, parallel architectures and system
Compilation pour les Architectures MUlti-coeurS
Compiler Optimization and Run-time Systems
Complex data management in distributed systems
COmplex Flows For Energy and Environment
Complex Flow Simulation Codes based on High-order and Adaptive methods
COmposabilité Numerique and parallèle pour le CAlcul haute performanCE
Compréhension mathématique multi-échelles d’écosystèmes vivants complexes avec structures émergentes
Computational AGility for internal flows sImulations and compaRisons with Experiments
Computational Algorithms for Protein Structures and Interactions
Computational Anatomy and Simulation for Medicine
Computational Approximation with discontinous Galerkin methods and compaRison with Experiments
COMputational BIology and data miNING
Computational Imaging of the Central Nervous System
COmputational Mathematics for bio-MEDIcal Applications
Computational systems biology and optimization
Computer algebra and functional equations
Computer and biological vision
Computer arithmetic
Computer mediated exchange of structured knowledge
Computer science and genomics
Computer Vision and Robotics
Computing tools to empower users
Concevoir des technologies d'amélioration de la vie privée explicables et efficaces
Concurrency, Mobility and Transactions
Concurrency, Synchronization and Real-time Programming
Confidentialité, Intégrité, Disponibilité et Répartition
Constraints solving, optimization and robust interval analysis
Construction and Analysis of Systems for Confidentiality and Authenticity of Data and Entities
Construction of verified concurrent systems
Construire des visualisations immersives pour favoriser la compréhension, la prise de conscience, et le bien-être
Contributions of the Data parallelism to real time
Control, Analysis and Simulations for TOkamak Research
Control And GEometry
Contrôle Artificiel de Mouvements et de Neuroprothèses Intuitives
Controle, Optimisation, modèles, Méthodes et Applications pour les Systèmes Dynamiques non linéaires
Control for Autonomic computing systems
Control of Artificial Movement and Intuitive Neuroprosthesis
Control, Optimization, Models, Methods and Applications for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Coupling environmental data and simulation models for software integration
Creating and exploiting explicit links between multimedia fragments
Cryptologie symétrique, cryptologie fondée sur les codes et information quantique
Cryptology, arithmetic : algebraic methods for better algorithms
Cryptology, Arithmetic: Hardware and Software
Data Aware Large Scale Computing
Database optimizations and architectures for complex large data
Data on the Internet at the Core of the Economy
Deduction modulo, interopérabilité et démonstration automatique
Deformable Robots Simulation Team
Dependability Interoperability and perfOrmance aNalYsiS Of networkS
Design and development of adaptive programs and systems
Design and Implementation of Autonomous Distributed Systems
Design and Implementation of Programming Tools
Design, Implementation and Analysis of Networking Architectures
Designing the Future of Computational Models
Design, study and implementation of languages for proofs and programs
Diagnosing, Recommending Actions and Modelling
Digital image processing, modeling and communication
DistributEd aLgorithms and sYStems
Distributed and heterogeneous data and knowledge
Distributed and Iterative Algorithms for the Management of Telecommunications Systems
Distributed Systems for Cooperative Applications
Diversity-centric Software Engineering
Dynamical Interconnected Systems in COmplex Environments
Dynamic Networks
Dynamic Networks : Temporal and Structural Capture Approach
Dynamic Reconfigurable Massively Parallel Architectures and Languages
Dynamics and Control of Networks
Dynamics, Logics and Inference for biological Systems and Sequences
Dynamics of Geometric Networks
Dynamique du pouvoir dans l'anthropocene
Dynamiques de populations multi-échelles pour des systèmes physiologiques
Dynamiques de populations multi-échelles pour des systèmes physiologiques / MUltiSCAle population dynamics for physiological systems
Effective Geometric Algorithms for Surfaces and Visibility
Efficient and safe distributed systems
Efficient runtime systems for parallel architectures
Efficient STAtistical methods in SYstems of systems
Embedded computer Vision sOLUTION
Enabling Affordable Smarter Environment
Energy Efficient Computing ArchItectures with Embedded Reconfigurable Resources
Environments for Verification and Security of Software
E-Patient : Images, données & mOdèles pour la médeciNe numériquE
Equipe de recherche européenne en algorithmique et biologie formelle et expérimentale
Equipe Neuroingénierie des systèmes pour modéliser et interfacer les réseaux cérébraux = Systems neuroengineering to model and interface brain networks [ICM Paris]
Evolution de la connaissance
Exchanges, Documents, Extraction, Languages, Web, Ergonomics, Interactions, Semantics, Servers
Expert Systems and Design of Tools for Artificial Intelligence
Extreme Interaction
Extreme Situated Interaction - LISN
Finite-time control and estimation for distributed systems
Flowing Epigenetic Robots and Systems
Fluid Flow Analysis, Description and Control from Image Sequences
Fondements opérationnels, logiques et algébriques des systèmes logiciels
Formal islands: foundations and applications
Formally Verified Programs, Certified Tools and Numerical Computations
Formally Verified Programs, Certified Tools and Numerical Computations
Formulations étendues et méthodes de décomposition pour des problèmes génériques d'optimisation
Foundations of Component-based Ubiquitous Systems
from patterns to models in computational biodiversity and biotechnology
Gallinette : vers une nouvelle génération d'assistant à la preuve
Génération Adaptative de Maillage et Méthodes numériques Avancées
Geometric Algorithms and Models Beyond the Linear and Euclidean realm
Geometric computing
Geometric Control Design
Geometric Modeling of 3D Environments
Géométrie , Algèbre, Algorithmes
Géométrie, Algèbre, Informatique, Applications
Géometrie et Lumière
Geometry, algebra, algorithms
Geometry, Algorithms and Robotics
Geometry and Lighting
Geometry and Probability for Motion and Action
Geometry and Statistics in acquisition data
Geometry, arithmetic, algorithms, codes and encryption
Global parallel and distributed computing
GRAPHics and DEsign with hEterogeneous COntent
Graphs for Inferences on Knowledge
Graph Visualization and Interactive Exploration
Grenoble's Compiler Group
Health data- and model- driven Knowledge Acquisition
HExapode, PHysiologie, AssISTance et Objets de Service
High-End Parallel Algorithms for Challenging Numerical Simulations
High performance communication
High Speed Networks, Open Networks
IA coopérative : équité, vie privée, incitations
Imagerie Spatio-Temporelle, Intelligence Artificielle et Calcul Numérique pour la Biologie Cellulaire et Chemobiologie
InBio - Méthodes Expérimentales et Computationnelles pour la Modélisation des Processus Cellulaires / Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
InBio - Méthodes Expérimentales et Computationnelles pour la Modélisation des Processus Cellulaires / Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
InBio - Méthodes Expérimentales et Computationnelles pour la Modélisation des Processus Cellulaires / InBio - Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
Inférence Statistique et Modélisation pour les Applications Biologiques
INFormation NEtworks
Informatique et Apprentissage des Mathématiques
Infrastructures Informatiques Fiables, Responsables, et Décentralisées
Instrumentation, control and architecture of advanced robots
Integrated Optimization with Complex Structure
Integration of data and knowledge distributed over the web
Intelligence artificielle et algorithmes efficaces pour la robotique autonome
Intelligent environments for the resolution of problems for autonomous systems
Interacting with Large Data
Interacting with Large Data - LISN
Interaction située avec les objets et environnements intelligents
inTeRnet BEyond the usual
Interpretation and Modelling of Images and Videos
Intuitive Modeling and Animation for Interactive Graphics & Narrative Environments
Invariant Preserving SOlvers
Inverse problems in earth monitoring
Inversion of Differential Equations For Imaging and physiX
Kinetic models AppLIed for Future of Fusion Energy
Knowledge acquisition for aided design through agent interaction
Knowledge Management For Cooperative Design
Knowledge representation, reasonning
La Géometrie au Service du Numérique
Langages de programmation : systèmes de types, concurrence, preuve de programme
Langages de programmation, types, compilation et preuves
Languages de Programmation Sécures et Outils pour la Sécurité
Large Scale Collaborative Data Mining
Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Applications
Learning and recognition in vision
Legal Issues in Communication and Information Technologies
Les assistants à la démonstration au cœur du raisonnement mathématique
Lifelong Autonomy and interaction skills for Robots in a Sensing ENvironment
Linguistic signs, grammar and meaning: computational logic for natural language
Linking Dynamic Data
Lithe and fast algorithmic number theory
Littoral, Environment: MOdels and Numerics
Logical Networks: Self-organizing Overlay Networks and Programmable Overlay Computing Systems
Logical Time for Formal Embedded System Design
Logic and computing
Logiciel : ANalyse et DEveloppement
Machine Learning and Optimisation
Machine Learning in Information Networks
Management of dynamic networks and services
Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience
Mathematical and Mechanical Modeling with Data Interaction in Simulations for Medicine
Mathematical, Reasoning and Software
Mathematical Risk Handling
Mathematics and computing applied to oceanic and atmospheric flows
Mathematics and Computing in Automatic Control and Optimization for the User
Mathematics for Control, Transport and Applications
MATHematics for MatERIALS
Mathématiques pour les Neurosciences
Mathématiques pour l’évolution, la reproduction, la croissance et l’émergence
Matter from Graphics
Max-plus algebras and mathematics of decision
mEasuRing and ManagIng Network operation and Economic
Measuring networks for enhancing USer Experience
Médecine de précision par intégration de données et inférence causale
Medical imaging and robotics
Melting the frontiers between Light, Shape and Matter
Méthodes avancées d’apprentissage statistique et de contrôle
Méthodes computationnelles et mathématiques pour comprendre la société et la santé à partir de données
Méthodes computationnelles pour la prise en charge thérapeutique en oncologie : Optimisation des stratégies par modélisation mécaniste et statistique
Méthodes et outils pour l'Interaction à gestes
Méthodes numériques pour le problème de Monge-Kantorovich et Applications en sciences sociales
Méthodes particulaires utilisant Monge-Ampère
Méthodes quantitatives pour les modèles aléatoires de la physique
Methods and tools for gestural interactions
Methods and Tools for Integrated Engineering Systems
Middleware efficiently scalable
Middleware on the Move
Migration and mobility : semantics and applications
Mise en réseau fiable, sans fil à faible consommation et micro-robotique
Mnemonic Synergy
Modèle et algorithmes pour des systèmes de communication fiables
Modèles et algorithmes pour l’intelligence artificielle
Modèles et inférence pour les données de Neuroimagerie
Modèles statistiques bayésiens et des valeurs extrêmes pour données structurées et de grande dimension
MOdel for Data Analysis and Learning
Modeling, analysis and control in computational structural dynamics
Modeling and control of renewable resources
Modeling and Exploitation of Interaction and Concurrency
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems
Modeling and Verification of Distributed Algorithms and Systems
Modeling Enablers for Multi-PHysics and InteractionS
Modeling, localization, recognition and interpretation in computer vision
Modeling of Computer Systems and Telecommunication Networks : Research and Software Development
Modeling plant morphogenesis at different scales, from genes to phenotype
Modeling, simulation, measurement, and control of bacterial regulatory networks
Modeling Technologies for Software Production, Operation, and Evolution
Modeling Tree Structures, Machine Learning, and Information Extraction
Modélisation, contrôle et calcul
Modélisation de la croissance et de l'architecture des plantes
ModELisation de l'apparence des phénomènes Non-linéaires
Modélisation des résaux dynamiques cérébraux
Modélisation en pharmacologie de population
Modélisation et calculs pour l'électrophysiologie cardiaque
Modélisation et commande de systèmes biologiques et écologiques
Modélisation et méthodes numériques pour le calcul d'interactions onde-matière nanostructurée
Modélisation et simulation de la propagation des ondes fondées sur des mesures expérimentales pour caractériser des milieux géophysiques et héliophysiques et concevoir des objets complexes
Modélisation hybride & conception par contrats pour les systèmes embarqués multi-physiques
Modélisation Mathématique pour l'Oncologie
Modélisation, simulation et commande des systèmes dynamiques non lisses
Modelling and Analysis for Medical and Biological Applications
Modelling and Inference of Complex and Structured Stochastic Systems
Modelling and Inference of Complex and Structured Stochastic Systems [?-2006]
Modelling and Optimisation of the Dynamics of Ecosystems with MICro-organisme
Modelling brain structure, function and variability based on high-field MRI data
Modelling, Observations, Identification for Environmental Sciences
Modelling, Simulation, Control and Optimization of Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems
Models, Algorithms and Geometry for Computer Generated Image Graphics
Models and Algorithms for the Genome
Models and Algorithms for Visualization and Rendering
Models and methods of analysis and optimization for systems with real-time and embedded contraints
Models and methods of analysis and optimization for systems with real-time and embedding constraints
Model selection in statistical learning
Models for a Structured Programming of Space and Time
Models for the performance analysis and the control of networks
Models of spatio-temporal structure for high-resolution image processing
Models of visual object recognition and scene understanding
Morphologie et Images
Multimedia content-based indexing
Multiscale dYnamiCs in neuroENdocrine AxEs
Multi-scale modelling of cell dynamics : application to hematopoiesis
Multi-scale numerical geometric schemes
Natural Language Processing: representation, inference and semantics
Networked Controlled Systems
Network Engineering and Operations
Networks, Algorithms and Probabilities
Networks, Graphs and Algorithms
Neuroimagerie: méthodes et applications
Neuromimetic intelligence
Neurosciences Mathématique et Computationnelle
Non-Asymptotic estimation for online systems
Nous, virtuels
Numerical Analysis, Geophysics and Ecology
Numerical Medicine
Numerical modeling and high performance computing for evolution problems in complex domains and heterogeneous media
Numerical Optimization
Numerical Simulation for the Engineering Sciences
Numerical simulation of biological flows
Object Knowledge Bases
Objects, aspects and components
Objects, types and prototypes : semantics and validation
Observation de la terre et apprentissage machine pour les défis agro-environnementaux
Océan Dynamique Observations Analyse
Optimal and secure management of manufacturing systems
Optimisation de grande taille et calcul large échelle
Optimisation des ressources : modèles, algorithmes et ordonnancement
OPtimisation Imagerie et Santé
Optimization and control, numerical algorithms and integration of complex multidiscipline systems governed by PDE
Orchestron : from neuronal rhythms to rhythmic brain functions
Organ Modeling through Extraction, Representation and Understanding of Medical Image Content
OUtils de Résolution Algébriques pour la Géométrie et ses ApplicatioNs
Outils et Optimisations pour le Calcul Haute Performance et l'Apprentissage
Parallel algorithms and load sharing
Parallel Cooperative Multi-criteria Optimization
Parallélisme de Kahn Synchrone
Parallel tools for Numerical Algorithms and Resolution of essentially Hyperbolic problems
Parcimonie et Nouveaux Algorithmes pour le Signal et la Modélisation Audio
Perception, decision and action of real and virtual humans in virtual environments and impact on real environments
Perception, recognition and integration for observation of activity
Perception Understanding Learning Systems for Activity Recognition
Performance analysis and optimization of LARge Infrastructures and Systems
Performance Optimization by Software Transformation and Algorithms & Librairies Enhancement
Personal Trusted cloud
Plasma, tUrbulence, Modeling, Approximation and Simulation
Plateforme bioinformatique GenOuest [Rennes]
Pleiade, from patterns to models in computational biodiversity and biotechnology
Polynomial Systems
Popular interaction with 3d content
Prévention et prise en charge des traumatismes [Bordeaux]
Privacy Models, Architectures and Tools for the Information Society
Probabilistic modelling of irregularity and application to uncertainties management
Probabilistic numerical methods
Processus aléatoires spatio-temporels et leurs applications
PrograMming and scheduling design fOr Applications in Interactive Simulation
Programming distributed parallel systems for large scale numerical simulation
Programming languages, Operating Systems, Parallelism, and Aspects for Real-Time
Programming Language Technology For Communication Services
Programming securely with cryptography
Program transformations for scientific computing
Proof of Programs
Proof search and reasoning with logic specifications
Proof techniques for security protocols
Propagation des Ondes : Étude Mathématique et Simulation
Protection de l’information et résistances aux attaques
Protocols and applications for the Internet
Protocols and softwares for very high-performance network
Pushing Architecture and Compilation for Application Performance
Quality control and dynamic reliability
Quantitative methods for stochastic models in physics
Quantum Computation Structures
QUANTum Information Circuits
Randomized Optimisation
Real time and interoperability
Recalage visuel avec des modèles physiquement réalistes
Reflective Evolution of Ever-running Software Systems
Reformulations based algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization
Regularity and massive parallel computing
Reliable and efficient component based software engineering
Reliable numerical approximations of dissipative systems
Rendering and virtual environments with sound
Representation and Languages
Représentation de Connaissances et Langages à Base de Règles pour Raisonner sur les Données
Réseaux capillaires urbains
Resilience and Elasticity for Security and ScalabiliTy of dynamic networked systems
Robotics & Intelligent Transportation Systems
Robots collaboratifs et hétérogènes interagissant dans des environnements vivants
Robots coopératifs et adaptés à la présence humaine en environnements
Robots coopératifs et adaptés à la présence humaine en environnements dynamiques
Robust control of infinite dimensional systems and applications
Safe Composition of Autonomous applications with Large-SCALE Execution environment
Scalable, Optimized and Parallel Algorithms for Genomics
Scalable Storage for Clouds and Beyond
Scene Analysis and Symbolic Image Processing
Scientific computation and visualization
Scientific computing, modeling and numerical analysis
Scientific Data Management
Secured and Mobile Information Systems
Secure Diffuse Programming
Sécurité à l’interface logiciel/matériel
Security, Cryptology and Transmissions
Security of information systems
Sélection de modèles en apprentissage statistique
Self-adaptation for distributed services and large software systems
Self-organizing Future Ubiquitous Network
Semantic Analysis of Natural Language
Sensor-based and interactive robotics
Sequential Learning
Services and Cooperation
Shape reconstruction and identification
Simulation et Analyse de la morphogenèse in siliCo
Simulation for the Environment: Reliable and Efficient Numerical Algorithms
Simulation in Healthcare for Advanced Medical ApplicatioNs
Simulation in Healthcare using Computer Research Advances
Simulation, modeling and analysis of heterogeneous systems
Simulation, Object Oriented Languages and Parallelism
SIMulation pARTiculaire de Modèles Stochastiques
Simulations and Algorithms on Grids for Environment
SImulations and Modeling for PArticles and Fluids
SImulations en Médecine, BIOtechnologie et ToXicologie de systèmes multicellulaires
Simuler et calibrer des modèles stochastiques
Situated interaction
Smart Wireless Networking
Software and Cognitive radio for telecommunications
Software and mathematics
Software certification with semantic analysis
Software Stack for Massively Geo-Distributed Infrastructures
Sound Programming of Adaptive Dependable Embedded Systems
Space-timE RePresentation, Imaging and cellular dynamics of molecular COmplexes
Spatio-Temporal Activity Recognition Systems
Spatio-Temporal Vision and Learning
Specification and Programming of Communicating Real-Time Systems
Speech and sound data modeling and processing
Speech Modeling for Facilitating Oral-Based Communication
STatic Optimizations, Runtime Methods
Statistical Inference for Industry and Health
Statistical Inference for Structural Health Monitoring
Statistical Inference for STructural HEalth Monitoring
Statistical Machine Learning and Parsimony
Statistics In System biology and Translational Medicine
Statistique mathématique et apprentissage
Stochastic Approaches for Complex Flows and Environment
Stochastic Dynamical Systems
Structurer des formes géométriques
SUpervision of large MOdular and distributed systems
Sûreté du logiciel et Preuves Mathématiques Formalisées
Surgery, Informatics and Robotics
Sustainability transition, environment, economy and local policy
Symbolic Special Functions : Fast and Certified
Synchronous programming for the trusted component-based engineering of embedded systems and mission-critical systems
Synchronous Realtime Processing and Programming of Music Signals
System and Networking for Portable Objects Proved to be Safe
System architecture for reflective distributed computing environments
Système Multi-Expert de Conception en Ingénierie
Systèmes Commandés en Réseau
Systèmes de particules et systèmes dynamiques
Systèmes de transport automatisés et sécurisés
Systèmes et jeux en dimension finie
Systèmes Informatiques Didactiques
System identification and optimization in physics and environment
Systems with physical heterogeneities : inverse problems, numerical simulation, control and stabilization
System synthesis and supervision, scenarios
System validation - Research and applications
TAckling the Underspecified
TAngible COMputing Architectures
Technologie des langages de programmation pour les services de communication
Technology and knowledge for interaction
Télédetection et IA embarqués pour le ”New Space”
Theoretical adverse computations, and safety
Theory, Algorithms and Systems for Constraints
Theory and Practice of Nanoscale Computing Engines
Theory and Practice of Synchronous Reactive Systems
The ReDICE Consortium
the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination
Threat Analysis and Mitigation for Information Security
Tim, Events and Architectures
TOkamaks and NUmerical Simulations
Tools and models of nonlinear control theory for epidemiology and immunology
Tools for Electronic Documents, Research and applications
Tools of automatic control for scientific computing, Models and Methods in Biomathematics
Topology-Aware System-Scale Data Management for High-Performance Computing
TO Simulate and CAlibrate stochastic models
Traitement optimal de l'information avec des dispositifs quantiques
Transformations et outils informatiques pour le calcul scientifique
Types and Reasoning for the Web
Types, Logic and computing
Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Computing and Engineering
Understanding the Shape of Data
Usage-centered design, analysis and improvement of information systems
Value from Data
Vérification efficace pour des systèmes distribués fiables
Verification in databases
Verification models and techniques applied to testing and control of reactive systems
VERIfication pour les systèmes DIStribués
Vers des robots à l’intelligence sociale au travers de l’apprentissage, de la perception et de la commande
Virtual environments for animation and image synthesis of natural objects
Virtual Reality for Improved Innovative Immersive Interaction
Vision, Action et Gestion d'informations en Santé
Vision spatio-temporelle et active
Visual Augmentation of Complex Environments
Visualization and manipulation of complex data on wireless mobile devices
Visual servoing in robotics, computer vision, and augmented reality
Water Resource Modeling
Weaving of Software Components
Web, adaptation and multimedia
Web-Instrumented Man-Machine Interactions, Communities and Semantics
Web Scale Trustworthy Collaborative Service Systems
Well Honed Infrastructure Software for Programming Environments and Runtimes
Wireless Networking for Evolving & Adaptive Applications