orateurs - ALGOTEL 2016 — 18èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications Accéder directement au contenu

Pour la 18ème édition de la conférence AlgoTel, nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Marco Fiore, Frédéric Guinand et Zvi Lotker qui nous parleront de leur travaux de recherche au cours des trois keynotes de la conférence.


Marco Fiore

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italie

Mobile Traffic Data AnalyticsCellular network operators collect and store data concerning the traffic generated by mobile subscribers,
by exporting production databases or deploying dedicated probes within the radio access and/or core portions of their networks. This data consists of time-stamped and geo-referenced records of the digital activity of vast populations - in the order of millions of users for large operators. Such a rich source of knowledge represents a clear opportunity to many reseach communities, and allows scaling up studies across disciplines such as physics, sociology, epidemiology, transportation, or networking. In this talk, we will overview the data collection process, and provide a classification of the different research domains where the study of massive traffic datasets collected by mobile network operators is improving our understanding of natural or technological phenomena. We will then focus on data analytics aimed at characterizing macroscopic spatiotemporal profiles of the mobile demand, which have applications in the design of upcoming cognitive cellular networks.

Biographie : Marco Fiore is a researcher at the National Resarch Council of Italy. He is a co-founder and collaborator of the Inria UrbaNet team based in Lyon, France. He received a PhD degree from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, and an Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches (HDR) from INSA Lyon, France. He held positions as associate professor at INSA Lyon, France, and as visiting researcher at UPC, Spain, and Rice University, Texas. His research interests are in the fields of vehicular networking and mobile traffic analysis.

Frédéric Guinand

LITIS, Université du Havre, France

Les fourmis au pays des TIC et des pucesDepuis de nombreuses années les méta-heuristiques sont utilisées pour traiter de manière efficace des problèmes d’optimisation difficiles, des problèmes pour lesquels il est peu probable que l’on puisse un jour trouver des solutions optimales en temps polynomial. Les méta-heuristiques sont basées sur différentes approches et certaines d’entre elles reposent sur la notion de population. C’est le cas par exemple des algorithmes génétiques ou des méthodes d’optimisation par essaims de particules. Cet exposé présente une autre de ces méthodes : les algorithmes fourmis.

Après une petite promenade zoologique dans l'univers des myrmécologues, les premiers travaux sur les algorithmes fourmis seront présentés avec en particulier une description des principes sur lesquels reposent ces méthodes. Quelques uns des nombreux développements suscités par ces travaux seront présentés. Enfin nous verrons que ce type d'approche présente d'intéressantes propriétés de robustesse pour le traitement décentralisé de problèmes d'optimisation dynamiques.

Biographie : Frédéric Guinand is Professor of Computer Science at Normandy University in Le Havre, France. His main research interests are Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Dynamic Graphs, and Nature-Inspired Computing.

Zvi Lotker

Ben Gurion University, Israël

Social networks and playsIn this talk I will describe the connection between social networks and theater plays. I will show how algorithms can analyze plays using social networks, and how plays can reveal an interesting algorithmic problem.

Biographie : Zvi Lotker is currently a visiting Professor in Dept. of Computer Science Univ. Paris Diderot (LIAFA). He also received the Junior Chair award in 2016 of the Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris. He is an associate professor in the Communication Systems Engineering department at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel. He received a BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science, and a BSc in Industrial engineering, from Ben Gurion University in 1991. In 1997 he received his MSc in Mathematics and in 2003, he received his PhD in Algorithms both from Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at CWI, in Amsterdam, MPI in Saarbrücken Germany, and Inria Mascotte in Nice France, from 2003 to 2006. His main research areas are communication networks, online algorithms, sensor networks and recently, social networks.