Advocacy and recommendations for better positioning of epidemiologists during future epidemics and pandemics [Editorial]
[Plaidoyer et recommandations pour un meilleur positionnement des épidémiologistes lors des épidémies et pandémies à venir]
The COVID-19 pandemic and its extensive media coverage had the consequence of "putting epidemiology in the spotlight." However, even though responding to epidemics is a core missions of epidemiologists involved in public health, many felt that their profession was inadequately positioned among public health actors and that their scientific knowledge and skills were underutilized during the response to the pandemic.In this context, the Association for the Development of Field Epidemiology (Epiter) and the Association of French-speaking Epidemiologists (Adelf) conducted a survey in late 2020 and 2021, following the first wave of the epidemic, among epidemiologists belonging to both associations. This survey aimed to describe their roles and the activities they had undertaken during the pandemic response. ..